Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Sensor Repair

The NOx sensor, which is part of the exhaust system in your vehicle, has the important job of measuring the levels of nitrogen oxide that the vehicle is emitting and enables the engine’s computer to adjust the timing of valves and the fuel mixture.

If the NOx sensor fails, you’ll be alerted to this by faults on the dashboard and your car will most probably go into limp mode. You might also find that you’ll be using more fuel and that the vehicle is unstable when idling.

Of course, these could also be signs of other issues within your vehicle, so the best thing to do is to call A&S Motor Repairs and book your vehicle into our workshop in Caerphilly, where we can do a comprehensive diagnostic investigation and whether the problem is NOx sensor failure, or something else, we’ll be able to advise you on the best course of action and get the problem sorted, quickly and effectively.

An AA-Certified Garage and an invited member of the AutoCare group of quality independent workshops, A&S Motor Repairs is proud to be associated with both these associations and hopes that drivers who are new to us, are reassured by our commitment to living up to the high standards expected of us both by the AA, AutoCare and by our customers.

To find out more about Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Sensor Repair in Caerphilly, contact us online or call us directly on 029 2085 9191

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Unit 16, Sir Alfred Owen Way
Pontygwindy Industrial Estate
CF83 3HU
029 2085 9191

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Monday 08:30 - 17:00
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:00
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:00
Thursday 08:30 - 17:00
Friday 08:30 - 17:00
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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